Some questions to business owners in Khedshivapur Area:

  1. Are you looking for Secondary Collateral Security for increasing cashflow through loan?
  2. You need place for your team near your factory to relax,refresh and work again?
  3. As Entrepreneur do you have dream to own guest house of company to impress clients?

If your answer to all above questions is yes,then the only perfect Solution is Residential Non Agriculture Plots at Thapewadi,20km from Singhagad Road and 7km from Kheshivapur.

more about Location
Still wondering how can plotting site will serve your business purpose?Lets get to know answer behind each of your challenge
Are you looking for Secondary Collateral Security for increasing cash flow through loan?
These Residential Non Agriculture plots are under PMRDA and you get 75% funding for buying plot from ICICI bank .Once you own a plot,these can act as secondary collateral security for your loans.NA plots valuation is around 1.5times of market cost,so you can opt for higher loan capacity easily,rather than buying flat or commercial for collateral security
You need place for your team near your factory to relax,refresh and work again?
This place is just 30 mins from Shivane MIDC and 20 mins from Khedshivapur ,its surrounded with nature,which is perfect relaxation point for your team.We have club house with stay facility for plot buyers,so you can book this facility and send your family or team to relax
View from Excellence Thapewadi

As Entrepreneur do you have dream to own guest house of company to impress clients?
This site has Club house with stay facility for plot owners.Which consists of one hall,kitchen and 2 separate beds so at a time 3 families can stay here.You can book facility from online portal and place food order with care taker.Without constructing on plot you can enjoy benefits of stay facility and also increase liquidity in your business.
Also it has terrace above where 50 people party cab be arranged
    Club House Plan
                                           Club House Plan:its completing by Dec 2019
Last 11 plots with are 1300sq ft to 3000sq ft available now out of 34 plots.
FSI 1.47,the highest under PMRDA,3KM from Ring road and 18km from Upcoming Pune International Airport.
Reshma Hajite
Land Investment Expert

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